Publications & Features

Below is a list of external sources where Sharkey’s poetic work has been featured since 2012. Select self-published works can be found in the poetry tag archives or stapled under the Poetry tab. Some of the links below will redirect you to an outside website where the poem can be found as published, or else will link back to its appearance on this site.


Micropoem published by unFold mag, March 2015.

(rinse. repeat)

Poem published in Three and a half point 9, edition 3, January 2015.

(This Reminder)

Haikai featured by Moonrox, December 2014.

(when the world shatters) & (stars sigh)

Part I of micropoem trilogy (when the world shatters) and a micropoem (stars sigh) featured by AuthorBee, December 2014.


Micropoem published by unFold mag, November 2014.

encompass the sea

Selected for publication in the Fall 2014 print issue of The Laughing Dog, Issue 23 (Subsynchronous Press).

in her honour (for bee)

Selected as 2014 February’s Poem of the Month for online feature by Subsynchronous Press.


Published in 2012 charter edition of The Exley, the undergraduate research journal at The University of Texas at Dallas.

Give Sharkey a piece of your mind.