
He kissed me.For one long, beautiful moment. His lips uttered a thousand storiesIn a language I’d never heard before:I understood every one.

a love chronicling [micropoem]

[[July 11]]] On now stained bedsheets where he laid me down to sleep,I did die, though my soul he refused to keep:Understanding that love is free,He reciprocated what was given back into me, And we continue in our ways Loving as promised into “forever” days.

Beauty Mirrored

They stood before each other Sure of the other’s beauty And suddenly stilled in the confidence of her own. The “I wish” and “if only” rose Darkening cheeks and shifting eyes They could not escape the taboo desire To acknowledge beauty in both her and her too Because this world has been trained To think…


As I transition the layout of my website over the next few weeks, old pages resurface and I’ve elected to give some of them homage with a renewed posting. The following is one such, posted a few years ago, in honour of Women’s History Month and, of course, myself. All my life, I’ve been taunted…

Self-Musing 4 (poesy)

Strong Applied liberally to others But like the root that dies To give sustenance My tongue fell out of my mouth Upon looking in the mirror. You don’t know of the grace with which I’ve maneuvered through the darkest paths to no fault of anyone but the trumpet who so loved its very own existence,…

Once alive [a poetic]

I was alive before I met you. The sun rose every day, Bringing light under crevices, chasing Shadows into corners; The wind pulled my hair like A teasing child, and The moon sang her orange solo, Awaiting the sound of the wolf’s. I wrote sometimes, cooked a bit And smuggled sleep out of my pillow…

kesmet (an excerpt)

It is an epic. It is unfinished. So there is this… Inevitably, my name will be spoken On the undercurrent of every love line, and Every syllable of speech unspoken of things on the mind, Echoes from his heart. We collided, smashing this dimension Into a million sparkling pieces And rebuilt, me within him, him…

divine/ unclothe my mind [a poem]

I’m standing before you Almost entirely naked – Almost. … Waiting with this last shred… I’m asking you to unclothe my soul Let your fingers run delicately down my spine Tracing the dignity of a thousand ancestral goddesses before me That bore me; See that my eyes are not like stars But entire galaxies themselves…

I am the water [a poem]

The site went down yesterday for the first time ever due to a fluke, so I make a peace offering with this poem I wrote last year and a brief introduction about it. I have always felt a rather deep, truly divine connection to water. Even that feels an understatement – it’s more accurate to…

The Power of Image [a musing]

Thin, fit, thick, short, muscular, bony, dark, light-skinned, big-eyed, nappy-headed, curly…  It is amazing the power body image has over so much, over our own holistic self-images, over others, affecting ideas of worth and ability and potential. We fantasize about the perfect body, obsess over it, and go to great lengths destroying or altering the…