The Daily News

Yesterday’s colours splash, Fill pools on the sidewalks The present horror making cracks Great ravines of political bloodshed And placebos for real families The buses heave by Casting grey yellow crests In their wake. The door of my driver side rattles, The third layer on my morning’s shuffle Second to nature’s steady beat against windows…

‘Til Death Do Us Part

They were 2 ghosts at coffee Polite, if not a little awkward Corpses blushing for the first time Love flowing like the last gasp in their limbs Except they were very much alive And it was burgers, not coffee, And polite did not conceal The bitterness that tasted of decay, should have been in a…

we met in the rain [poem]

We met in the rain. I shivered and you offered me your coat, opening your arms so I could walk in your warmth. I embraced you. Huddled close under my meek umbrella you lifted for us, I held your hand to help steady it against the winds, and we tiptoed and slipped from puddled shore…

there aren’t words [a brief poetic]

“Please, don’t ever stop writing, Allow always the twins of Joy and Pain to ravage you…” The pain I’ve been trying to write Out of my system, however Is one for which language has birthed Not words, but images Personal and of the utmost beauty These marked the path to a grave A certain part…

Gambler [a poem]

The devastation was not about my heart alone but in watching the pedestal upon which you always stood crumble to the ground: along the side, the inscription had read “strength.“ I thought you would win against this. I’d read the confidence in the way you seemed to play all the hands the universe dealt took…

the death I’ll wish I had

“One is love. The other is finding a way of coping with life that does not push love away.” – on the two pillars of life, with regards to living a healthful one of quality and happiness, after a 75-year study, Dr. George Vaillant   There are things we grow up with in our heads,…

love does not exist in this world where people live by fear and ego.

(Black and white) I shared my soul, opened mind, arms, and heart and in the end, lost those too: I didn’t look the part. (warfare) Fatalities: Hope. Love. Faith. They lie here Struck down by the failure of believing In the beauty of one’s spirit To transcend the beauty of the shell for its journey….

when the world shatters

i. when the world shatters it’ll have been my hand splintered and cut for the remorseful idiocy of holding it out for you. ii. i am the child that touched the stove and too much enjoyed the show of melting flesh to hear my breaking, painful cry. iii. hope is the most dangerous possession so…

forever my dream

Curled in my bed, clutching, I feel your arms slide up mine, and pull my hands away from my face as you creep gently over my body to kiss that troubled look you hate to see, grabbing tears before they’ve fallen, kissing every inch of me, chasing the pain out through my skin delivering the…

the way things are

So this is the part where we give up on dreams Realize adulthood means forfeiting hope And helping others do the same. This is where going through the motions Takes over like a venom, Paralysis in our smiles Speaking empty minds from the chamber Of life as functioned by musculoskeletal memory. This is the place…