fuck me poetic [a poem]

fuck me poetic.

kiss me free of syntax

make me scream in tongues

pen me down with the bed as your scroll

smear my ink across the sheets

until every edition of webster’s and Koenig

pouring forth upon the both of us.


“exulansis” rolling down your back,

“silience” dripping from my neck,

“gnossienne” shared, mixed,

gluing our pieces together,

“opia” preceding that final

breathless, inspired kiss.

23 Comments Add yours

  1. johncoyote says:

    This is poetry. Honest, direct and strong. Thank you for sharing your amazing poetry.


    1. Sharkey says:

      Thank you so much for taking the time to read and to share it! I genuinely appreciate the comment.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. johncoyote says:

        You are welcome.


  2. johncoyote says:

    Reblogged this on johncoyote and commented:
    Adult poetry. But very good.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Wow I love this. Yes I admire the emotion you used in this, and choice of words! Good poem.


    1. Sharkey says:

      Thank you for stopping by to say so!!


  4. mihrank says:

    this is such powerful, practical and reality!


    1. Sharkey says:

      I’m glad you find it appealing! I write to connect, so that makes me feel great. Thanks for letting me know!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. augustmacgregor says:

    I’ve often heard that the brain is the strongest sexual organ, and you’ve tapped it directly with your poem. So sexy and intelligent!


    1. Sharkey says:

      Thank you so much! And given my own ability to exceed arousal at intelligence, I definitely believe it about the brain 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Nice and lovely poem, passionately emotional.


  7. niksniche says:

    Can I say…. I fucking love this? I’m reblogging it, if you dont mind. Wish I had written it!


    1. Don’t mind at all, thanks so much!


  8. niksniche says:

    Reblogged this on niksniche and commented:
    Had to share this poem, as I wish i’d written it.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I love this poem. In fucking credible


    1. Sharkey says:

      Thank you so much.

      Liked by 1 person

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